College Record 2022-2023

Student Athlete Missed Class Policy

As a NCAA Division III institution, Keuka College’s emphasis is on the academic success of each student-athlete. Our student-athletes are here, first and foremost, to receive an outstanding education. The Keuka College community recognizes that intercollegiate athletics have a significant positive effect on students who choose to participate.
Keuka College student-athletes are considered representatives of the institution; as such, it is the responsibility of each student-athlete to assure that participation in practice and competition is done so without the sacrifice of academic achievement. 
The policy outlined below applies to student-athletes for athletic competitions. In congruence with NCAA policy, students participating in Keuka College athletics shall not be penalized for an absence due to an athletic contest as long as the student notifies the instructor prior to the absence according to the procedures below.  This means that students will be allowed to make up any work missed due to the excused absence without penalty, and the absence will not be counted against the students. This policy includes final exams which may be in conflict with end of term playoff games or other competitions. In these instances, students must notify faculty as soon as the conflict is identified.
Student-athletes are required to prioritize academic responsibilities over athletic practice sessions - as such, this policy does NOT excuse a student-athlete to participate in a regular practice session. In general, the daily time of intercollegiate practices is 4:00-6:30 p.m. There will, however, be days when an athletics contest conflicts with class schedules. The following action steps will be conducted to minimize potential conflicts with faculty members:

  1. Head coaches will complete a Student Travel letter in EAB Navigate approximately one week prior to an anticipated conflict, thereby notifying and confirming athletic contests with impacted faculty. Note, some schedules can change quickly due to inclement weather (particularly baseball and softball). In this instance, the coach and student-athlete will make notification as quickly as possible.
  2. The Athletic Department will share away contests and departure times for fall, winter, and spring sports teams to the Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR).
  3. Ultimately, the student-athletes are responsible to meet with the individual faculty member one week in advance to discuss submission of assignments, quizzes, exams, etc.
  4. The FAR will be the intermediary between student-athlete and faculty member if warranted.
  5. When potential conflicts emerge for spring postseason games and finals week, the Athletic Department will communicate with the FAR with as much advance notice as possible. 

In instances where a student-athlete is at risk of successfully completing a course, the faculty member is encouraged to discuss with the FAR.