College Record 2017-2018

NU-201 Nursing Science IV Flhcon

This course is administered and completed at FLHCON This 9-credit course builds upon mastery of core values and nursing foundation as it relates to the principles, concepts, and skills introduced in previous nursing and general education courses. The course integrates the concepts of nursing essence related to provision of holistic care for complex medical- surgical patients. The course incorporates methodology in collaboration with the interdisciplinary team, utilizing the nursing process and developmental theories when providing nursing care for patients with a variety of disease processes, such as endocrine, immunologic, sensory, skin, genitourinary, hematologic, and communicable, as well as concepts of pediatric cardiology. Through disciplined inquiry and evidence-based practice, critical thinking is evaluated through the nursing process and the integration of pharmacological community health concepts. Emphasis is placed on the professional issues and the transition from student to GN role.
