College Record 2017-2018

Component One: Foundational Skills

(13 credits)

Foundational Skills learning goals require that students will acquire and expand the intellectual skills necessary to become successful lifelong learners.

Written and Oral Communication, Informational Literacy 

(6 credits)

Learning Goals: Students will demonstrate the ability to write and speak clearly, logically, precisely, and persuasively based upon effective reading, reflection and observation skills; and to locate, access, evaluate and document a variety of sources of information and ideas, consistent with the principles enunciated in the Graduate Outcome Statements in Written and Oral Communication and Information Literacy.

See General Education Requirements for list of applicable courses.

Experiential Learning

(1 credit)

Learning Goal: Keuka College students will demonstrate the skills and understanding necessary to developing a lifelong ability to learn effectively from experience consistent with the principles enunciated in the Graduate Outcome Statement in Experiential Learning.

Applicable course includes: FYE-101.


(3 credits)

Learning Goal: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the processes and principles of

  • effective physical and emotional wellness,
  • relationship with others of similar and different cultural backgrounds, and
  • college success skills, and the ability to apply these processes and principles in maintaining wellness. 

See General Education Requirements for list of applicable courses.

Quantitative and Mathematical Reasoning 

(3 credits)

Learning Goal: Students will demonstrate an understanding of and ability to apply mathematical concepts as well as their assumptions and implications, and general reasoning and problem-solving skills consistent with the principles enunciated in the Graduate Outcome Statement in Quantitative Literacy. See General Education Requirements for list of applicable courses.

Effective Thinking

Learning Goal: Students will demonstrate proficiency in critical and creative thinking consistent with the principles enunciated in the Graduate Outcome Statement in Effective Thinking. This student learning goal is addressed through foundation skills and Interconnectedness courses.