College Record 2023-2024

Course Load

A normal course load for undergraduate students is defined as at least 12 but not more than 18 semester credit hours for the fall and spring semester. To remain eligible for full financial aid, undergraduate students are required to be registered for a minimum of 12 credit hours in fall and spring semesters. Students who choose to take fewer than 12 credits should consult with financial aid. Graduate students are full-time for financial aid purposes if they are registered for a minimum of 9 credit hours a semester.

To fulfill the requirements of a degree program in four years, an undergraduate student must complete an average of 30 semester credits each year, including three credits of a Field Period® experience. Some programs require slightly larger loads. Students in these programs should work closely with their advisor to ensure they stay within sequence for their program of study.

Any student wishing to deviate from the maximum course load for each semester must submit an exception to policy. Additional charges are applied for undergraduate traditional students taking more than 18 credit hours per semester.